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DPO Training for schools alongside an outsourced DPO role.

We have partnered with a leading 'Education Only' DPO training and outsourcing partner to offer, at a discount from standard rates:​
  • School DPO service assisting schools and Multi Academy Trusts (MATs).


  • Offering a dedicated Data Protection Officer,  acting as the DPO for your school or MAT.


  • Experts in GDPR and Data Protection - Receive a designated consultant to manage your account and Data Protection.


  • Offering Advice and GDPR Training - Advising through Reports, Information sheets, and GDPR training for all employees.


  • On call support - For school and MAT leaders, your consultant can offer support by phone or email.

Outsourced DPO and Training for Schools

Choosing a Data Protection Officer for your school - your DPO.


​A 2019 review of School DPO's showed that over half are not likely to be compliant. 


e.g. they should ....

  1. be independent. i.e. not at risk of a conflict of interest. That potentially rules out; The Head, The Business Manager, Governors or Trustees, IT Managers or, in a MAT, the CEO / FD / COO

  2. have 'sufficient expertise' (what sufficient expertise means in reality is difficult to assess but, for schools, the level and sensitivity of data it collects and holds would suggest that the 'expertise' the DPO needs should be pretty thorough).


They should be:


  • Keeping the school(s) up to date with their data obligations now and in the future

  • Monitoring compliance with the law as well as school policies

  • Cooperating with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)

  • Managing Subject Access Requests (SARs) within the required timescales 

  • Advising on and reporting data breaches to the ICO within 72 hours

  • Keeping up to date with GDPR developments and training staff accordingly




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